Welcome to Our Holding Company

To be the market leader in every market that we have an interest.

Our Key Features

Discover what sets us apart in managing diverse business interests

General Trading

This is involved in supplying Stationery, Computers, Computer Accessories, Building and Plumbing materials and other goods as may be demanded by different types of customers in both the private and public sectors. The company has won various tenders with different Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

General Services

New Edge Investments is involved in the provision of general office services including but not limited to office cleaning, transport services, landscape and lawn management services.


The company is now taking bold steps to install a Hatchery that will elevate New Edge Poultry to new heights in terms of production of chickens. The machinery has already been procured and what remains now is the installation.


This subsidiary is involved in commercial farming with a farm in Bilila, Ntcheu. The company ventured into Commercial Farming during the 2009-2010 Farming season with the acquisition of land in Bvumbwe and Mwanza to concentrate on Soya Beans, Maize and other Cash Crops. The company has plans to venture into Livestock mainly Dairy Cattle, goats as well as Pigs.
Diverse Business Interests Under One Roof Our holding company aims to become one of the leading companies not only in the country but also in the region acting responsibly with a high ethical as well as moral conduct whilst at the same time generating real value for the shareholders by always offering valuable products and services using only state-of-the-art technologies

Common questions

Here are some of the most common questions that we get.
What is a Holding Company? A Holding Company is a type of firm that owns other companies' outstanding stock. This allows the holding company to control the policies and management of those companies.
What are the main areas of interest managed by the Holding Company? The main areas of interest managed by the Holding Company include Agriculture, Poultry, Marketing Communications, Consultancy, and General Trading.
How does the Holding Company benefit from diversification? ghdhhddCDHCHBdlbhBLHdhlhjdeBDBLEBLWHB
What is the role of a Holding Company in managing its subsidiaries? HDHDHDHBpeih wldhb dLDEB KBdewkdewbkdebw
How does the Holding Company create value for its shareholders? sDVLJLVUQQQQQQQQQQQQDeliiiiiiiiiibIDELLDIN